The Shlockers rock!
I never even bothered sitting down. :) I just spent the entire concert dancing my feet off in the back of the room. The poor Punster, meanwhile, was trying to figure out how to get the flash on our digital camera to work, Sonny Boy having so kindly lost the instruction manual when we sent the camera to him at college for use in documenting a lab project. Fortunately, the rockin' doc rescued him during the intermission. (He showed the Hubster the famous PHD ["push here, dummie"] button :) The poor Punster still doesn't know what button he wasn't pushing before.) I'm sorry to say that almost none of the photos of the performance itself came out well, though the Punster did get a couple of decent off-stage photos of Mark and one of bandleader Lenny.
Our favorite blogging musician physician got to sing one of the songs that he'd written for Shlock Rock back when he was a "full-timer" with the band. So we had the privilege of hearing "Someone Else's Place" straight from the singer/songwriter's mouth (to G-d's ear). (You can hear the whole song in the radio blog here--just keep a-scrollin' 'til it shows up).
Judging by the way he was bouncing around onstage, I would say that Mark had a wonderful time, too. We got to say hello to him, and also to his mother and his sister F. (whom we'd met previously under sadder circumstances), and we spotted a few of Mark's nephews, as well. Photos were taken all around. Everyone had a grand old time.
A funny thing happened to me while I was "cutting a rug" in the back of the room. Another woman came back there and joined the act. She was quick on her feet, and a quick learner, too--I showed her a Yemenite step (not the best description--someone should post a video) on the spot, and she picked it up right away. After the concert, we were talking, and I mentioned that I'd heard about the concert from my Internet buddy, the bass player. When I asked where she'd heard about the concert, she told me that she was Lenny Solomon's sister! You can't top that one! :) J. said that her brother always puts on a good show. Amen to that!
If there were any other bloggers there, they stayed in the closet. So much for a blogger meeting. Oh, well. You missed a great time. Don't miss the next one. Shlock Rock is a really fun group for the whole family. The adults crack up and join in on the parodies, and the kids get their jollies listening to the good music, and singing and dancing along. Join the party--it's guaranteed glatt by the Kosher Police! :)
It was great to see you again, Shira. There were actually a few bloggers there, but I'll get around to writing about it eventually.
It was great fun seeing you again, too--and onstage, noch besser (even better)!
Some of us anonymous bloggers do too good a job of being anonymous.
Naturally, neither the Punster nor I thought to take any mini-videos with our camera. Arrrgh! (And a Happy Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day to you, too, matey. :) ) Nu, maybe there was someone *intelligent* in the audience?
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